Monday 1 August 2016

Puriri Award Winners - Alyzae and Casey

One of the things that makes Room 6 a special place to be is the willingness of all children to help each other.

Alyzae gives time EVERY day to take groups of three children up to the coop to look after our four chickens. She always takes the time to make sure others know what they are doing, and is a great teacher and role model in this job.

Casey is super good at noticing when others need a buddy for their work or group activities in class, and is willing to work with and help out anyone else in the class who needs it.

You are a great example for others girls, well done.


  1. Alyzae and Casey you are fantastic role models for Puriri Team. Well done girls, I am proud of you! Miss W :-)

  2. Wow girls you sure do deserve these awards. Love the chickens they are so cool.Thanks for sharing Mr Lyons
    Mrs Ashe @ CTK
