Saturday 16 April 2016

Puriri Assembly - Sinan and Olly are awesome!

Many children were involved in Parent-Teacher discussions in Week 11. 

It was awesome to see our Room Six learners actively listening to and participating in chats about how the year has gone so far, and what things would make the rest of 2016 a successful year for them.

Special congratulations to Oliver, who spoke confidently about his learning and activities at school so far this year, and to Sinan, who, has set goals to make the most of his learning time and already shown signs of carrying this out.

Thanks for all your involvement in the chats Room Six, I can't wait to see you all back in term two.


  1. Tino pai korua! Keep working hard boys, it sounds like you're both going to have great years!

  2. Great job boys! I bet you are keen learners to get those.
    Natalia Rm 23

  3. great job are great role models for your class
