Saturday 4 June 2016

Room 6's Green Day Assembly

Congratulations Room 6 for the awesome learning and preparation you did for the Green Day Assembly in Term 2. We loved to hear you share your earth worm learning. You were all super confident to give it a go and share with such a large audience.

Ms Whysall even mentioned it on her post on the school website... WOW!


  1. Hi room 6 - I thoroughly enjoyed your asembly - the worm farm facts were awesome, great confident reading and you all looked super duper dress in Green
    congradulations to you all 100%effort-
    big high fives to Questyn,Jasper & Phillip
    THANK YOU - for reminding us all the importance of looking after our enviroment,
    Tino pai Rm 6 🐍🐸🐊🐦🐢🐉🌱🌲🌳🌴🌵🍀🌿🌍🌍🌍

  2. Great assembly team - I really enjoyed the facts on the earthworms. I didn't know that some species grow up to 3m!

  3. Good job room 6 and mr lyons jackson room 16

  4. you guys sure are greenies keep up the great work

    from Frankie & Emliy
